Laser Therapy - Beyond the basics

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Laser Therapy - Beyond the basics

Tirsdag den 8. oktober 2024

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3500 kroner + moms. 

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Laser therapy Product card Simplero

Laser Therapy - Beyond the basics

Kurset foregår på engelsk.

Are you using your laser for intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, or intraoperative conditions?
How about ophthalmic conditions?

Laser therapy can provide valuable benefits in helping to resolve and manage many conditions involving these areas. It can reduce the frequency and severity of recurrences, reduce complications, reduce the medications needed, and improve the quality of life.

Laser therapy (photobiomodulation-PBM) is the fastest growing modality in veterinary medicine.

This seminar will help you understand why.

Dr Bradley simplifies the science behind laser therapy and will cover the most up-to-date research and clinical cases associated with laser therapy.

Come and join us.

Underviser: Dr. David Bradley

Dato: Tirsdag den 8. oktober  2024

Sted: Eickemeyer, Solbakken 26, 6500 Vojens

Pris: 3500 + moms

Moms (25%) DKK 0
Total due DKK 0

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