Equine lameness and poor performence, problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton

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Equine lameness and poor performence problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton

Onsdag og torsdag den 25. og 26. februar 2026

Pris inklusiv materialer, forplejning og fælles middag: 

8.800 kroner + moms. 

7.000 kroner + moms (har deltaget i kursus 1)

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Order summary

Equine lameness and poor performence, problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton

2-days course with focus on equine lameness and poor performence, problems of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton.

OBS kurset er på engelsk. 

We will through a combination of theoretical and practical sessions give you a comprehensive overview of differential diagnosis and best diagnostic and therapeutic approach to pathologies of the hindlimbs and the axial skeleton that are common in the horse which can cause pain, poor performance and lameness.

### Key Learning objectives: ###
• To effectively recognize and grade hindlimb lameness both subjectively and objectively
• Nerve and joint blocks on hindlimbs
• Diagnosis and treatment of common conditions affecting the hindlimbs
• Imaging af stifle and approach to stifle injuries in the sport horse
• Diagnosis of back and sacroiliac pain
• Approach to cervical arthropathies

Kursus er den andel del af i alt to kurser med fokus på diagnosticering af halthed. Ved tilmeldig til kursus 2, vil du du opnå en rabat på 1800 kr., hvis du har deltaget i kursus 1 (halthedsproblematikker relateret til forparten).


Prof. Roger Smith
FRCVS – Professor of Equine Orthopaedics, Royal Veterinary College

Prof. Michael Schramme
DrMedVet, CertEO, PhD, DipECVS, DipECVSMR, DipACVS, LAassoc ECVDI,
MRCVS – Professor of Equine Surgery, VetAgroSup – Departement Hippique

Sprog: Engelsk. 

Dato: Onsdag og torsdag den 25. og 26. februar 2025

Sted: Ansager Hestehospital, Gartnerhaven 5, 6823 Ansager

Pris: 8800 + moms
Pris: 7000 + mons gælder hvis du har deltaget i kurset 1 "Equine lameness and poor performence, problems of the frontlimbs and neck".
Prisen er inklusiv fælles middag tirsdag aften
Vær obs på at overnatning ikke er inkluderet i prisen.

Moms (25%) DKK 0
Total due DKK 0

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